Mike Harnett, Leading Fatigue Expert, is interviewed along with other experts in this series “SafeSets”.  Sleep deprivation is a common risk for anyone working in the film and television industry. In the first of these videos Harnett explains the dangers of fatigue and how it occurs . In the second video, Harnett discusses ergonomics and repetitive stress.

Host Paul Heinzelmann, MD, MPH, joins with cast, crew, and experts to discuss health and safety, and present fresh strategies for well-being in an industry full of hazardous conditions. Under pressure to meet tight schedules and long days, safety protocols get compromised to the determent of everyone in all areas of the production.

Heinzelmann hopes that newcomers, rebuking this unhealthy culture, will be the changemakers for these critical practises.



Asleep At The Wheel

Brutally long days and erratic sleep lead to accidents, chronic disease and depression.

Sedentary Woes

Headaches, eye strain, repetitive strain disorder paired with disease from a sedentary lifestyle plague post- production.

Do you know where your fatigue-related risks are? Do you have the right strategies in place? If you’re worried about the impact of fatigue at the job site, or simply don’t know where to start, we’re here to help!

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